South America

  • South America

    Huacachina, Peru: The City of Sand

    Sand as Far as the Eye can See After a 5 hour bus from Lima to Ica, we whistled for a taxi and raced around looming sand dunes. Out of the dusty cab windows, all we could see was sand, sun, and sand-boarders gliding down the dunes. The sun in Huacachina was a definite contrast to the gray and always misting Lima. I actually felt like I might get a tan and feel like I was on a vacation. Lima had been busy and loud, Huacachina was definitely and thankfully the opposite. Pulling up to this small desert oasis surrounded by dune buggies, I knew it was going to be…

  • South America

    Lima, Peru: The Grey City

    To begin my month-long backpacking trip in Peru, I hopped on a plane headed to the country’s capital: Lima. Unfortunately, we arrived in their winter; however, the summer is incredibly warm so it may actually be a positive! One thing to note is that in Lima, it doesn’t “rain” in the winter. There’s a damp grey mist that hangs around and doesn’t really leave. This gives everything a permanent state of wetness! Day 1: After white-knuckling it on the cab ride to the hostel and having many close calls with incoming vehicles, we arrived slightly haggard and a little tired from our 16 hours of air time. Hunt down the clinic…