About Me

The Bun Head Behind the Key Board

Welcome readers! It is my optimistic belief that you’ve decided to visit my blog with the hopes of discovering tips, tricks, and ideas for travel. However, witty comments and spectacular photography are simply a bonus. Before you decide to put your trust in this traveling teacher, I believe it’s important to establish credibility and allow you to get a glimpse of the sassy woman, who always has her hair in a bun, that runs this blog. Who knows, today this blog, tomorrow the world.

While I’m currently a Middle School ELA teacher, molder of young minds, and subjected to at least three “The dog ate my homework” ‘s a day, this is not all I aspire to be.  It is true, I work to change lives and make reading at least bearable for many tweens  that are forced to listen to my corny puns. I also dabble in the occasional Harry Potter marathon, struggle through the once-in-a-very-great-while 5k as my dog pulls me along, and board 24 hour flights to far away places. In my 25 years of life, I have realized that traveling is a true passion of mine. What started as study abroad trip to Greece, became a semester teaching abroad in New Zealand, that developed into a two week trek to Australia, and matured into successfully planning a two month long trip across Europe. All of these experiences have played a part in shaping the person that stands before her students, family, friends, and strangers in the grocery store everyday.

Although I have pretended to be Spielberg and create Go Pro documentaries of my travels, this is my first blog. Many of you may be shocked, as I have such a crafty way with words. A muggle mistake! However, I’m creating this blog for the sole purpose of sharing my travels, explaining the do’s and dont’s of planning and partaking in trips, and sharing my overall experiences in the hopes of helping you, the reader. Whether it’s helping you finalize the trip itinerary for Portugal that you were unsure of, determining which socks really are essential when hiking, or illuminating my mistakes in the hopes of helping you avoid awkward travel situations; I hope this blog helps! My hope is to update this blog every Wednesday and publish something you the readers will want to actually read. From trip itineraries to what to pack, I hopefully have it all.

So, let’s bring it back to YOU, the excited new or seasoned traveler ready to board a bus, train, or plane. If you for some reason are not this type of reader; but rather, enjoy reading this blog for my sharp wit and sarcastic charm, I welcome you all the same.  Especially, if you’re one of my parents… If at anytime you have specific questions or want a certain topic discussed, please feel free to email me. I’ll happily write a post about it.

As my middle school students say, “Until next time my dudes.”